Question : Two charges each equal to q, are kept at x=-a and x=+a on the X-axis. A particle of mass m and charge q₀=q/2 is placed at the origin. If charge q₀ is given a small displacement y (y<<a) along the Y-axis, the net force acting on the particle is proportional to
a) y
b) -y
c) 1/y
d) (-1/y)
Doubt by Sonali
[JEE Mains 2013]
Solution :
In figure,
AO = OB = a
OP = y
AP = r = (a2+y2)1/2
Force of repulsion experienced by charger q₀ due to charge q at A = Force of repulsion experienced by charge q₀ due to charge q at B = F
Resolving F into rectangular components Fcosθ and Fsinθ
The component Fcosθ will cancel out each other. So the total Force of the charge q₀ will be 2Fsinθ
= 2Fsinθ
Clearly FNet∝y
Hence, a) would be the correct option.