Case Study Based Question on Dual Nature of Radiations and Matter

Read the passage given below and attempt the following questions on the passage:

In 1905, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) proposed a radically new picture of Electromagnetic radiation to explain the photoelectric effect. In this picture, photoelectric emission does not take place by continuous absorption of energy from radiation. Radiation energy is built up of discrete units — the so-called quanta of energy of radiation. Each quantum of energy of radiant energy has energy hν, where h is Planck's constant and ν is the frequency of light. In the photoelectric effect, an electron absorbs a quantum of energy (hν) of radiation. if this quantum of energy absorbed exceeds the minimum energy needed for the electron to escape from the metal surface (work function Φ₀), the electron is emitted with maximum kinetic energy. Kmax=hν-Φ₀

i) In a photon-particle collision (such as photon-electron collision), which of the following may not be conserved?
a) Total energy
b) Number of photons
c) Total momentum
d) Both (a) and (b)

ii) If m is the mass of an electron and c is the speed of light, the ratio of the wavelength of a photon of energy E to that the electron of the same energy is 
a) √(2m/E)
b) c√(2m/E)
c) √(2m/cE)
d) √(m/E)

iii) Light of wavelength 0.6 mm from a sodium lamp falls on a photocell and causes the emission of photoelectrons for which the stopping potential is 0.5 V. With the light of wavelength 0.4 mm from a sodium lamp, the stopping potential is 1.5V. With this data, the value of h/e is :
a) 4×10^-59 Vs
b) 0.25×10^15 Vs
c) 4×10^-15 Vs
d) 4×10^-8 Vs

iv) If h is Plank's constant, the momentum of a photon of wavelength 0.01 Å is:
a) 10^-2 h
b) 10^-4 h
c) 10^2 h
d) 10^12 h

v) Which of the following statements about the photon is incorrect?
a) photons exert no pressure.
b) Momentum of photons is  hν/c
c) Rest mass of the photon is zero.
d) Energy of a photon is hν.

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