Radiation of different frequencies fall on two different metal surfaces. The . . .

Question : Radiation of different frequencies fall on two different metal surfaces. The graph below represents the kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons as a function of frequencies of incident radiations.


a) If the two metals along with their work functions are : Potassium (2.3 eV) and Aluminum (4.3 eV), identify which line represents each metal. Give a reason for your answer. 

b) Write the photoelectric equation that represents each of the above graphs. Find the slope of the graph. 

Doubt by Tushar
Solution : 

a) We know, 
According to Einstein Photoelectric Equation

For a constant frequency of incident radiation (ν ), Kmax is more for Metal 1 than Metal 2.


From the above equation it is clear than Kmax is higher for lower Ф₀.

Hence, Metal 1 must represent Potassium of lower work function 2.3 eV while the Metal 2 must represent Aluminum of higher work function 4.3 eV.

According to Einstein Photoelectric Equation


on comparing the above equation with y=mx+c

we get, 
the slope of the Kmax vs '
ν' graph 
Slope = h
Y-intercept of 
Kmax vs 'ν' graph 
Y-intercept = -hν

Photoelectric equation for Metal 1


Photoelectric equation for Metal 2
